Home Data tools ChartGPT Cadlabs

ChartGPT Cadlabs

Assisted in exploring and visualizing data.


ChartGPT is an AI tool that has been developed to generate charts and provide answers to data-related queries. Acting as a personal data assistant, this tool assists users in exploring data by offering a range of sample datasets to choose from or allowing them to request specific datasets or use cases. However, it is worth mentioning that the tool is still in its early access version, and efforts are being made to enhance the model's performance, identify and fix bugs, and introduce additional features and datasets. Users are encouraged to provide feedback and report any bugs they encounter to contribute to the improvement process. ChartGPT includes a sample dataset called Decentralized Exchange Trades, which consists of transaction data across L1 and L2 blockchains and is regularly updated. Users have the option to select a pre-defined question or input their own question to obtain an answer. It is important to note that, due to limitations on OpenAI's API, the tool currently utilizes GPT-3.5 instead of GPT-4, which may lead to inconsistent or less reliable outcomes. ChartGPT has been developed using Streamlit.