
A software code consolidation and explanation platform.


Genie, developed by, is an AI-driven tool that assists software engineers in comprehending intricate codebase implementations. With Genie, users can gain a comprehensive understanding of feature implementations and receive detailed explanations of processes, eliminating the need for code commenting or documentation. The tool functions by consolidating relevant code snippets and organizing them in a logical sequence. Users can ask Genie questions and receive reliable responses, which are cited within the tool for added confidence and easy reference. Genie allows users to connect up to three repositories, with the potential to connect to documentations, slack, and other platforms in the future. By merging knowledge bases, Genie aims to enhance productivity and expedite coding processes. In summary, Genie is an invaluable tool for developers seeking to streamline codebase explanations and save time. It is available for a free trial and offers significant benefits for those looking to enhance their coding skills and excel in the industry.