Carla Granti

About the author

Carla Granti is an experienced business writer based in New York City. She regularly contributes articles on leadership, workplace culture, and HR trends to publications like Harvard Business Review and Forbes, Granti has an MBA from Wharton and over 10 years of experience in corporate communications.

Hiring 2.0: How AI is Disrupting the Talent Acquisition Game

This article explores the transformative impact of artificial intelligence (AI) in the realm of talent acquisition. From case studies to future predictions, it provides an insightful look at how AI is revolutionizing the hiring process.

AI-Generated Designs: Are They Legal? Ethical? The Next Big Thing?

The rise of AI graphic design brings tremendous possibility but also disrupts industries and raises legal uncertainties that require thoughtful governance.

Just Press Play: Hands-Free Business Operations with AI Automation

Businesses are using AI to automate repetitive workflows, reducing costs and freeing up staff capacity. However, supporting workers through upskilling and role changes remains vital.

How This Company Used AI to Increase Revenue by 47% in Just 6 Months

Delve into Acme Corp's stunning success story, leveraging AI to boost revenue by 47% in only half a year. Discover how strategic AI implementation can revolutionize business performance.

